Sunday 12 April 2015

Hillary Clinton to officially announce her 2016 presidential bid

Hillary Clinton to officially announce her 2016 presidential bid
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton  is set to officially announce her bid for next year's presidential elections today. If we would recall in the 2008 elections, the former US secretary of state, senator and wife of Bill Clinton ran unsuccessfully against President Barack Obama. Her official announcement is seen by many to end the two year speculation around her interest in the presidential seat and immediately establish her as the likely 2016 Democratic nominee. 

Clinton’s announcement on Sunday is to be followed by series of campaign events in Iowa and New Hampshire, in which she will use them to reintroduce herself to voters and begin to lay out fundamental reasons behind her candidacy which includes improving the economic fortunes of the middle class, increasing wages and reducing income inequality. Clinton who is 67 could be in for her last bid for the presidential seat and looking at her stand as a woman, she is definitely making history.

Obama himself have stated that she is going to be an 'excellent president'. Clinton being the first woman to run for president is seen by many such as Scott Keeter, director of survey research at the Pew Research Center to have a real chance of winning, though a wild card, but potentially a net positive, particularly for undecided women. However, there are mixed reactions on how she should run her presidential campaign. Should she campaign based on experience as she did against Obama in 2008 or based on her gender as a woman. Some believe she should present herself as a woman which could earn a lot of sympathy with respect to gender, however, experience is seen as something very crucial by many others.

The presidential seat would definitely be a hot one, looking at other candidates and possibly the likes of Jebb Bush also contesting for the position. This would be interesting to watch and I would be watching keenly to see what happens. I am sure many around the world would want to see who takes the role of the most powerful man or maybe woman. Only time would tell.

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