Wednesday 15 April 2015

10 ways to make a guy go crazy for you

As I was going through some articles online, so I bumped into this one written by LIKE LOVE QUOTE and it occurred to me that someone may need this article right now. Just in case you have this crush you have been crazy about, these are 10 solid ways you can get him attracted to you. I am not a love expert, however, I think this may be somehow beneficial.

 I mean which girl doesn’t want the guy she likes to go head over heels for her? Girls always like the guys who are completely crazy for them. But how is that possible? It isn’t that easy to make a guy crazy for you! A guy can be put off quite easily as well. So what must a girl do to get a guy fall in love with her crazily, deeply and madly?
  • Be self obsessed: Guys love girls who know what they want; who can pay their credit card bills or have an auto insurance. They love women who are into their looks and care for their friends. Be self obsessed, keep yourself before him and his needs, because loving oneself is more important. If you can’t love and pamper yourself, no one ever will!
  •  Miss Enigma: Don’t be an all out lady. Open up slowly.  Keep things about you mysterious and enigmatic. Take a few days to give him your number. Don’t add him so easily on Facebook. Let him think about what you are and let him miss you, before you open up to him!
  • Don’t blah about your past relations: Nobody likes a person who is full of regrets. So don’t talk about your past relations and how they failed. Don’t complain about your ex boyfriends and how no one meets your expectation. That is just painting a very sorry picture for you in front of the guy!
  • Always be well dressed: Be pretty always and stay wow. Do this for yourself as opposed to others and you will attract every other guy. No men can resist a well dressed lady who knows her fashion and style!
  • Know your worth: Don’t demean yourself because of someone’s words. Know that you are worth a lot of love and craziness by a guy. Know that you are  better than most people who try to put you  down. Let him know that you know your worth and will not settle for anything less than what you deserve. You are confident  and cool yet flexible and funny!
  • Value your time: This is a very important tip. Don’t spend hours talking to him as if you have nothing else better to do in the world. Let him know that you value your time and have other priorities as well. Men like women who aren’t always “available”.
  • Brag a little: It is safe to brag a little about how guys follow you or how you got promoted at your work place. If you keep mum about your achievements, you are not showing him your talents and plus points or what you are capable of. That’s just a bad idea!
  • Don’t be easy: Don’t be easy and an emotional fool. Don’t show that you are deeply in love with him, even if you are. Because it is a known fact that guys start taking girls for granted once they fall deeply in love with them and they have nothing else in their mind except the guy! Take your time with the guy and play hard to get, because guys love the chase.
  • Be comfortable in your skin: Be yourself, even if you are shorter, fat or darker than other ladies. There are so many celebrities who have flaws but they are loved widely because they are cool and comfortable in their own skin. Don’t try to change yourself to please others. Be yourself and love what you are!
  • Ooze confidence: Keep your confidence in check. Over confidence is a recipe for disaster but having enough confidence is important to attract a guy to you. Walk with your head held high. Wear high heels and speak clearly and in a concise fashion. Body language plays a major role in depicting your personality.
  • Added by me is the 11th one. Should in case you have broken all these rules or maybe missed one of the 10 steps. You can start all over or make amends now.
I am sure you have picked one things or the other from the article. Some may disagree on some of the ways listed, however, what is important is to at least gain something. I must also point out that the phrase 'going crazy' in this context does not mean getting a guy to do awkward or stupid things, but having a reciprocal love that is premised on good intentions. Please share below your experience or more ways you think a guy can go crazy for a lady. For me, I don't think the list  is exhausted, there should still be more to be


  1. I love this article so much, justina i have a crush, we have never seen but We only talk and chat on phone and i am so in love with the guy, i just pray he feels the same way about me.
