Monday 11 May 2015

30 rules married women must obey

I have got something nice and educative for the married women sit back and enjoy.

1). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect.
2). Don't expose your husband's weaknesses to your family and friends. You are each other's keeper.3). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret them.4). Never compare your husband to other men you've no idea what their life is all about.5). Never ill treat your husband's friends because you don't like them, the person who's supposed to get rid of them is your husband.
6). If your idea worked better than his, never compare yourself to him. Its always teamwork.
7). Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him.8). Never assign anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own responsibility.9). Never compare your husband to your one time sex mate in bedroom.10). Never be a wasting wife, your husband's sweat is too precious to be wasted.11). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband sex12). Never shout or challenge your husband in front of children13). Never answer for your husband in public opinion polls, let him handle what is directed to him although he may answer for you in public opinion polls.14). Don't forget to check the smartness of your husband before he checks out.15). Never be in a hurry in the bathroom and on the dressing table. Out there your husband is always surrounded by women who took their time on their looks.16). Your parents or family or friends do not have the final say in your marriage. Don't waste your time looking up to them for a final word. 17). Don't forget that husbands want attention and good listeners, never be too busy for him.18). A lazy wife is a careless wife. She doesn't even know that her body needs a bath.19). Don't be too judgmental to your husband.20). Does your husband like less cooked food? Try to change your cooking.21). Make a glass of water the very first welcome to your husband and everyone entering your home. Sweetness of attitude is true beauty.22). Never be too demanding to your husband, enjoy every moment, resource as it comes.23). Don't associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage.24). You are never too old to influence your home. Never reduce your care for your family for any reason.25). Your marriage is as valuable to you as the value that you give it. Recklessness is unacceptable.26). Fruit of the womb is a blessing from the Lord, love your children and teach them well.27). A prayerful wife is a better equipped wife, pray always for your husband and family.

28). Never forget that your husband married you not your maid or anyone else.
29). Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband.
30). Never base your love on monetary things. Will you still submit to him even if you earn more money than him?

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