Sunday 31 May 2015

Many burnt to death in Onitsha today in horrific trailer accident

Lord have mercy. Several people were burnt to death today at Asaba park in Onitsha Upper Iweka after the breaks of a trailer loaded with gas failed and slammed into cars and people. The photos from the incident are horrific and disturbing. See the pictures below.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Yusuf Buhari already has a girlfriend

President Buhari's only son, Yusuf caused a meltdown sometimes ago when he out of the blues appeared and was pictured coming back to Nigeria with his dad for the inauguration. Ladies have declared their undying love for the young man, who unfortunately already has a boo. According to Twitter user @Ahkimace, pictured above is Yusuf and his equally stunning girlfriend. Lot of my Igbo sisters already wearing Niqab and declaring undying love for the young man, after due diligence I present to you the real girlfriend of Yusuf Buhari, Can you guys go and chill now? This is certainly a bad market....... Lolz. Very funny.

See them checking out my blog on the IPad

Lol... I hope many don't pick a fight with my headline oo. The former heads of State pictured yesterday at the presidential inauguration checking something on an IPad. Happy weekend.

Friday 29 May 2015

A new Nigeria begins today- Tinubu

Democracy Day statement by National leader Bola Tinubu.

"May 29, 2015, shall be recorded in our history as the moment when democracy finally was allowed to participate in Democracy Day. The reason for this is the legion of average Nigerians who voted to make this happen. Should any of you wish to see a true hero of democracy, don’t fret. Just look in the nearest mirror. The celebrations prior to this were false showings; they were the commemoration of wrong. The path we have taken to come to this august moment has not been one of easy victory or swift progress.

Instead, it has been a path hewed by the triumph of resilience over broken promises and fraudulent avowals of representative governance. Reaching this fine moment has been a story told in the cadence of the victory of common good over arrogant power. The voice of the solitary poor man, no one hears. But the votes of the poor became a potent army capable of toppling the very citadel of high privilege in order to bring forth national awakening no less historic and important than the very birth of this nation.

On this day, we shall witness the inauguration of Muhammadu Buhari, a great, honorable and dedicated public servant as our president. This is indeed an inspiring moment, a turning point in our national direction, and the reclamation of our best destiny. We shall celebrate this achievement but not in mindless, care-free fashion. The road ahead is still choked with the debris of problems left too long unattended. We are well aware of the challenges pitted against our well-being. Insecurity, economic decline and corruption, we must fight and fight as if we are going to war not a carnival.

Most of all, we must fight the temptation of hopelessness, the sense that little good will come out of even the greatest efforts. This is where I want to thank and commend all those who voted in the past election. It is you who turned this day into the true celebration of true democracy it was intended to be. With no guarantee save your faith and armed solely with the hope and promise of a better tomorrow through better governance, you fought the mounting tide of power and money. That tide tried to induce you to sell your democratic rights and your chance for a greater future on the cheap.

In the eyes of those who were self-exalted, you had been debased and brought low by visible circumstance of poverty and lack. You seemed to them ripe for purchase. Yet, inside, you retained a greatness of character and a loyalty to the democratic ideal incomprehensible to those who believed that everything can be purchased. You showed them that your self-definition as human beings and as Nigerians was not for sale or tender. As a result, he who had been given so much, so easily by so many was humbled. You who have been ridiculed, reduced and written off were lifted up. The will of the people hath reclaimed its sovereignty.

This has been a blossoming of justice and the illumination of the power of human decency. So often, Nigeria has been portrayed negatively before the world. Not this time. The world is proud of what you have done and how you have advanced the cause of fairness and right. What you have done has lent solace to those still struggling to establish democracy and responsive governance in their homelands. They now see Nigeria as an inspiring example. They seek to be like you, to travel the road you just trod.

Today, the old Nigeria is no longer in chains as we move into a new era and take hold of our new selves. From President Buhari to the state governors inaugurated this day, I wish them well and pray they govern in an open, democratic way that assures your optimal wellbeing. I ask that you, the people, maintain your diligence and help guide those you have just elected. The issues that confront us are deep and complex. They are not susceptible to facile solution or inattention. Wise and sound policy is within our capacity. But, we must have the will to accomplish it. If both the governed and government work in league, there is nothing our beloved nation cannot overcome.

Let it be said that on this day, the nation consecrate itself to the ideal that governance is the sacred instrument of the people and never again shall it be the exclusive recreation of a select few. No longer shall Democracy day be a shallow ritual. Henceforth, it is a living truth."

Happy Democracy Day

Power is governed from three basic human rights: Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness. Let us rededicate ourselves to the preservation of these inalienable rights even as we carry on the torch lit by those great men who fought for our independence. We need to remember its light don't always shine as brightly as it should- it flickers and grows dim because of greed, corruption, fear and apathy. 'De Tocqueville said in every democracy, the people get the government they deserve'. Today, President Buhari is asking each of us irrespective of tribes, religious beliefs or party, to help him give us the government we deserve. We all share the responsibility. History has placed in our hands and our future depends on it. Happy democracy day, God bless Nigeria.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Ini Edo commits fashion blunder

Lol..... So this afternoon, I was going through my Instagram page and that was how I saw a picture of the well known actress Ini Edo with this lovely gown she was putting on. But then she spoilt her dress code by wearing a sneaker under the long gown. I do not know if this is the trending dress code now because with my knowledge of fashion. I don't think this dress code is right, See Ini Edo picture and her fans comments below.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

A complete childhood

  1. If you didn't kill earthworm with salt
  2. If you didn't play rubber band.
  3. If you never bathed in the rain.
  4. If nobody told you about India vs Nigeria 99-1.
  5. If you didn't sleep on the couch and wake up on the bed
  6. If u didn't throw your milk tooth on the roof for the lizards to take it and give you new ones.
  7. If you didn't just wash your hands and legs instead of bathing when going to school.
  8. If you didn't act film in uncompleted building or under bed with friends.
  9. If you never flew a kite.
  10. If you didn't use your two legs to build houses with sand.
  11. If you didn't write your name on paper and insert it into your pen so that no one will steal it. 
  12. If you didn't kill lizard with red head 4 money ritual things guys
  13. If you didn't close d fridge door really slowly to see when d lights went off.
  14. If you never waved at white birds expecting your nails to be whiter
  15. If you never heard of a ghost that stays under mango trees at nights
  16. If you didn't drive a single car Tyre with a stick and called it your car!
  17. If you didn't mix garri n sugar in your pocket and eat while walking in the street.
  18. If you never did mama and papa play i.e. cooking grass and sand without fire.
  19. If you didn't play table soccer with bottle cover or you didn't play suwe and do tinkotinko. .....then I guess your Childhood wasn't fun!!!!

Group asks court to stop Buhari’s inauguration due to falsification of certificate

A group, Advocacy for Societal Rights Advancement and Development Initiative has filed a suit before the Federal High Court in Abuja seeking to stop the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Mahmud Mohammed, from swearing the President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari in. The suit is also seeking an order to nullify the certificate of return issued to Buhari by the Independent National Electoral Commission. They filed the suit on the allegation that Buhari did not qualify to contest the presidential election because he gave false information about his academic qualification to INEC. The Group's lawyer, Mr. Philip Ekpo, alleged that Buhari did not meet the qualification in the 1999 Constitution and the Electoral Act to stand for the March 28, 2015 presidential election.

Buhari, INEC, the CJN are the 1st to the 3rd respondents in the suit respectively. The group wants an order of interim injunction restraining the CJN “or any person acting in his capacity” from swearing in Buhari as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on May 29, 2015 or any other date thereof pending the determination of the motion on notice. The suits declares states that the plaintiff seeks among other orders, "A declaration that the 3rd defendant be stopped from swearing in the 1st defendant as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as the issue of perjury involving the 1st defendant has not been resolved." "An order annulling the Certificate of Return given to the 1st defendant by the 2nd defendant."

"An order restraining the 3rd defendant or any person appointed for such purpose from swearing in the 1st defendant as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on May 29, 2015 or any future dates whatsoever for giving false information to the 2nd respondent on oath. The 1st respondent (Buhari) gave false information in the affidavit he presented to the 2nd respondent (INEC) and on the strength of which he contested and purportedly won the presidential election which was conducted by the 2nd respondent on March 28, 2015. The 1st respondent deposed to an affidavit dated November 24, 2014 that his West African School Leaving Certificate is in the custody of the Secretary to the Military Board."

"The Nigerian Army on January 20, 2015 said that in the personal file of the 1st respondent with the Nigerian Army, they do not have the original copy of his West African School Leaving Certificate nor does the Nigerian Army have the Certified True Copy of his WASC results neither do they have a photocopy of the said result." "The 1st respondent has not met the qualifications enshrined in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Electoral Act, Cap E6, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2010 (as amended) to have contested the position of President of Nigeria at the 2015 general elections"

"That the authority conferred by Section 140 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) on the 3rd respondent to administer oath of office to any person who will occupy the office of the President of Nigeria cannot be exercised in respect of the 1st respondent who has not fulfilled the requirements of the same constitution and the Electoral Act as it relates to his eligibility to occupy the office of President of Nigeria." The case is still pending as it has not been assigned to any judge.

With Friday drawing nearer, I wonder where these law suits are coming from. The emergence of groups we have not heard before.

I am not engaged to Nicky Minaj- says Meek Mill

Meek Mill recently granted an interview to Fader magazine where he was asked to clear the air about his relationship and engagement to Nicki Minaj with various media outlets reporting that a ring he bought her in Miami was an engagement ring.
It wasn’t. “It’s definitely real,” he says of their relationship, “but it ain’t really time to get married yet. We’re still learning each other, feeling each other out.” He said even his grandmother has been calling him about the supposed 'engagement'. “Whatever she sees on TV, she believes,” he says.
He said other celebrities, most notably Drake, have started congratulating them publicly. He also said one time T.I. saw him and excitedly congratulated him on his engagement. “I ain’t engaged,” Meek told him, but T.I. didn't accept it. T.I. said “You never asked her, ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ But she is your girlfriend,” he says. “You may not have asked her, ‘Will you marry me?’ But you are engaged.”
Meek said, he didn't argue but just said, “I’ve said my part.” T.I. says, backing away with his hands up, “As long as you know what’s going on.” From the perspective of his label, anything that keeps Meek in the news is a net positive. He could always use the help.

Monday 25 May 2015

Fuel Scarcity in Nigeria; how long shall we continue to suffer?

The present state of fuel scarcity in the country is becoming an alarming one and in our entire history of fuel shortage, there has never been one incident that has brought us so much hardship like this present one. We have demand for an explanation over and over, however, it is like no one could ascertain the true state of the matter. What we all know is this, there is fuel scarcity and we the masses are paying a huge price. From my inquiry and deductions, I found out that the wholesalers have been withholding petrol as they claim that they are owed $1 billion by the federal government. If we could recall, the issue of government owing the marketers had surfaced about 3-4 weeks ago and the Minister of finance disputed the figures. To me, what it appears to be is that the fuel importers and marketer are blackmailing the federal government into agreeing to one more massive payout as they are not sure how much longer they would continue to enjoy the fuel subsidy after a new government is sworn in. But why the government is dancing to the tune of this music is what I don't understand.

These scammers have literally shut down the nation saying that they are owed $1 billion in arrears, but then no one gets to see how this figure is worked out. Reports from BBC points out that, many government officials, including employees of the state fuel company, are so intertwined in the fraud it is hard to know who is scamming who. Now, these wholesalers are waiting for a $1 billion payout from the government before they release more fuel. For how long shall the masses continue to wait? Moreover, who are we really waiting for, the marketers or the government? What even took me by surprise was the release of 13 million litres, approximately 400 trucks of petroleum products including petrol last night by Capital Oil and Gas Industries Limited. This is an indication that some of these marketers are engaged in sabotage, as they have enough fuel stock in their depots but have refused to sell them. This is no doubt a battle the oil marketers have decided to fight and have cared less about the masses so far the war would yield a positive outcome pending the swearing in of a new government on Friday.

Another question that have troubled so many minds is the failure of the government to resolve the crisis. It has kept numb over the issue and it pretends as if there is no way out. This to me is not a way to end a regime after we have all saluted Mr President of his courage for handing down power willingly, thus preventing crisis in the country. However, ending his administration by deepening the nation in crisis for a new government is not a good reputation to earn. If a final strong stance is required to put an end to the crisis, I would suggest that be done before May 29. As usual with our democratic system in Nigeria, rather than find a lasting solution to the crisis that has left the nation grounded, the two parties are busy pointing accusing fingers at each other. The opposition is saying that the present administration deliberately wants to deepen the crisis of the nation before Buhari takes over while the PDP is saying that the opposition have intentionally created the crisis, so that they country would be in mess before the new administration comes in. Whichever the case, the masses are the ones bearing the consequences of the scarcity.

Presently in Lagos and Abuja, fuel are sold in filling stations that have decided to sell at N500 per litre. Many don't even have the fuel or have but decided to hoard it. It is a terrible scene to watch when pump price remains at N87, however, your kegs or cans are being filled at the rate of N500 per litre. It is disheartening. Yesterday, Lagos to Ibadan was taken at the rate of N2,500 compared to N800 before the fuel scarcity. Banks are already sending messages to their customers of rescheduling their operations for some of their branches, radio stations are shutting down, flights are grounded and even telecommunication companies could soon be pulling the plugs from the mast thus grounding communications.When the crisis would end, we definitely do not know. But one thing is certain, the hardship may continue till Monday before an economic policy could be put in place by the new administration. For me, if total removal of subsidy is what is required to put an end and re-occurrence to this fuel shortage, I am in total support of it or how pleasant does it sound to the ears that the 12th largest producer of petroleum and 8th largest exporter is selling petrol at N500 per litre ($2.51). That is totally embarrassing.

Laura Ikeji hitting on Diddy

So the famous blogger Linda Ikeji's younger sister known as Laura Ikeji has a crush on Sean Diddy..... Lol, she posted a picture of Diddy on Instagram some minute ago. see below. I just hope Diddy gets the message and moreover what could Laura be thinking or is this another publicity stunt?

Chris Brown does not pay baby support- says Baby Mama

Chris Brown have been accused by his baby mama, Nia Guzman of not paying anything for his daughter. Nia dropped the info while shutting down a Chris Brown fan who said Nia was using their daughter's Royalty for money and fame.
I Personally find this so difficult to believe, so Chris Brown does not pay the baby 's support and he flaunt her this much?

I will remain on these tree till Buhari is sworn in

Lol, I thought we are done with the trekking of a thing but now it has taken a new direction. A man, Mallam Kaura, has climbed a tree in Quan Pan LGA of Plateau state, and won’t be coming down till after the inauguration of Muhammadu Buhari, on May 29.

A journalist, Thaddeus Yilmen shared the photo on Facebook with the caption: “A husband of two and father of five Mallam Kaura climb a tree at Kantoma in Kurgwi Quan Pan LGA since yesterday Friday 22nd May 2015 and said he will not come down till the new government is sworn in.”

This is just going too far. Climbing a tree till Friday for me is a self imposed punishment that would yield no positive result. To worsen the situation, this man is a husband to two wives and a father to five children, I don't understand the foundation he is laying for the family. I think it's high time we got over this publicity stunts and face the reality. Presently, there is fuel scarcity and it is making life unbearable, we implore the government to please do something.

Didier Drogba quits Chelsea

Didier Drogba announced he will be playing his last match for his current football club, Chelsea yesterday, May 24th with Sutherland at 3pm. Read the post below.

Fuel scarcity do not know celebrities- says Paul Okoye

So one of the p square Paul Okoye went to his Instagram page to state the obvious and all hell went loose! See the message below.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Shola Kosoko talks fashion, hubby and dad in new interview

Jide Kosoko’s daughter, Shola, in this new interview with Punch Newspaper talks about her fashion and style and how she combines her acting career with motherhood. See interview below.

How would you describe your style?
I am very simple when it comes to fashion. But if I have to attend a red carpet event, because of the nature of my job, I would have to look glamorous. I would wear an elegant dress definitely.

Do you like wild make-up?
No way. I don’t like it at all. I remember one day on set, the make-up artiste was just trying to impress me with her work. But by the time she finished making up my face, I screamed. It was too loud and I didn't like it. I love simple make-up. It makes me look perfect. When I don’t have to attend an event or when I am not on set, I don’t even like wearing any make-up.

Oh, so your face can actually be free of make-up?

Do you engage the services of a stylist when you have to attend an event?
For make-up, I do engage a make-up artiste to do my face sometimes. At times, if I try to do it myself, I make mistakes. I only engage them when they are available. If they are not, I try a lot harder to fix my face on my own.

What of dress stylist?
I will not lie, I have done it before but it was long time ago. Then, I didn't know that if you wore patterned pants, you should wear a plain top. But back then, I would just wear patterned pants on patterned top. It was later I realized it was wrong. I follow my mind and choose whatever I desire. At times, if I get confused, I call my friend, Mercy Aigbe, to help me out. She is a very stylish person. She will proffer solution. I could call on Doris Simeon as well. She is also very good. You must have made a fashion mistake at some point…

Do you wear things in vogue?
There are some things that would be trending but I wouldn’t just like them at all. However, when the style would almost be out of vogue, that’s when I would start to appreciate and even wear them. I wouldn't even mind or care that they’re out of vogue. 

Can you wear a dress that exposes your cleavage?
I don’t really like exposing my cleavage but there are some dresses you can’t help but fall in love with them. You would go ahead and wear such. You may know that the dress is exposing your cleavage but you would just wear it. Personally though, I don’t like wearing dresses that would expose any part of my body that is supposed to be hidden. That means you can’t wear bum shorts and short dresses… Those are not for me. I wear shorts but not bum shorts.

Transparent dresses that showcase ladies’ undergarments are trending at the moment; can you wear such?
No way. If you consider the nature of my job, you would also agree that I could wear such if I have to wear it on set. If I am playing the role of a prostitute, for example, you don’t expect me to dress like a holy person. It is only when I am on set that I can wear such. I am a married woman.

Does he dictate to you what you should wear?
At times, I would want to ‘feel among’ since I am still young. But my husband will tell me that I don’t have to wear such. He is always there to remind me that I don’t have to follow trends or do things to make other people happy. He tells me to wear anything I am comfortable in. At times, I would just tell him I would be comfortable in a dress and I would wear it. But whenever we get home, I would put that dress in my costume bag and that means I would never wear it again because I must have felt very uncomfortable in it all through the event.

What does your husband like you to wear?
At times he does that. He allows me to do my wish. There was a day we were going for a movie premiere. I decided to wear a very beautiful dress. The dress had a jacket but I refused to wear it. He told me the dress wasn't okay but I told him I wanted to wear it that way. He agreed. We got to the hall and I saw my dad, Uncle Hassan (Ogogo) and Yinka Quadri. My dad called my husband and asked him if that was the kind of dresses he wanted me to be wearing. He couldn't answer. I greeted my dad but he didn't answer. It was Uncle Yinka that told my dad to leave me alone since I came with my husband. My husband felt embarrassed and expressed his feelings to me when we got home.

What do you like seeing your husband wear?
My husband likes wearing designers. He doesn’t wear any kind of shirt that does not carry a designer label. Men don’t have so many options. It is either they wear shirt or T-shirt or native.

Must it be designers for you too?
It mustn't but I like designers as well.

How many tattoos do you have?
I don’t have any tattoo on my body. I don’t like it at all. Is there any reason I should like it? I just feel I shouldn't tamper with my skin. So many people have tried to erase the tattoos on their body and it is very painful. If my husband likes it, I may consider doing it. For single ladies who don’t even know where they would end up, I don’t think it is proper. Anyway, it is their choice.

What of body piercing?
I just have one piercing on each ear. The first hole on one ear got so wide and I even thought it would cut off, so I decided to pierce another hole on that particular ear and I stopped using the first hole.

Are you a shoe freak?
I love shoes. I have so many pairs. I don’t think I want to mention the number of shoes I have. I have all kinds, including Italian shoes.

Do you have a particular perfume you use?
I use all kinds especially if they’re gifts. But if I have to buy, I can only buy Elizabeth Arden’s products.

Can we see you with your natural hair?
I always wear my natural hair. I also mat my hair. I love Didi hairstyle and I wear it everywhere. Anytime I have Didi, my dad would just unconsciously touch my hair. He would tell me my hair-do is very nice.

How long does it take you to dress up?
It takes me nothing less than one hour. It can be more. I take my time to dress up and I do it perfectly.

How do you maintain your fair skin?
I use any kind of soap. If I run out of cream, I can use any cream, especially baby’s cream. Since I am light skinned, I have to be mindful of the kind of cream I use otherwise I would just turn brown. There are just very few light complexioned ladies who would not at least tone their skin. I wouldn't call it bleaching. I am naturally light complexioned and I want to maintain my colour.

How often do you visit the salon?
It depends on the hair style I am carrying. If I am carrying braids, I will not visit the salon until I loosen it. But if I am carrying hair extensions, I might just wear it for two weeks or thereabout. I must always wash my hair as soon as I remove any extension I am carrying.

Are you producing any movie soon?
Yes. I will be going on location soon.

How do you combine your job and your family?
I have been able to manage it. There are times one could affect the other. When I was pregnant, I worked till I got to my third trimester. After then, I traveled out of the country to have my baby. I didn't work for four months. As soon as I got back, I started working.

Do you think you can ever be as popular as your father?
I am working towards that. He is very popular but I am getting there. He didn't just get there, he worked towards that. Rome wasn't built in a day and that is what I am trying to achieve.

Ways you can please a Nigerian man

This article was written by etcetara, the singer turned writer. See the article below.

1. Submission has got a bad rap in recent years. The feminist movement has even made matters worse. Women are forgetting that submission wasn’t your man’s idea, it was God’s. “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:22) Again the Word says, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fitting in the Lord.” (Colossians 3:18). Men should also know that submission does not mean subjection to abuse. Submission simply implies respect for another’s authority.

2. Every Nigerian man loves food. I mean the actual food. There’s no such thing as a modern or old fashion way. A way is a way and the only way to a typical African man’s heart has always been through his stomach. Coming home from a long day’s work, we enjoy nothing better than a well cooked meal. Remember the story of Esau in the Bible? He was so hungry and was practically shaking after working in the fields that he was willing to sell his birthright to his brother Jacob for a hot bowl of soup! (Genesis 25:29-34). Ladies, when a Nigerian man is not properly fed, he becomes irrational, irritable and vulnerable to temptation. Feed us well not just for anything else, but so you may have peace in the house.

3. Now ladies, ask any Nigerian man to choose between a delicious plate of soup and no sex or a tasteless meal and a mind-blowing sex, he will prefer to drink garri without sugar and have that mind-blowing encounter with you in bed. Does that tell you something? Babes, you may be everything from smart, charming with long pretty legs and even God-fearing but if your husband doesn’t find you sexually attractive, SHIKENA. A Nigerian man always wants that thing. So, stop holding back whenever he wants it. Adopt the Boy Scout motto that says “always be prepared.” Stop using your sexuality to manipulate or punish him. Our greatest vulnerability is our sexuality, so don’t just go there – No games with that please. Give yourself to him freely every time, every way and everywhere. The Bible commands you, “Deprive not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your lack of self-control.” (1 Corinthians 7:5). Did you hear that? It says even after fasting, you should still give it to him…. Hmmmmm! I love the Bible. No wonder they call it the “perfect book.”

4. All men want to be successful. But it is so unfortunate that most Nigerian women measure success by what a man has accomplished and not by who he is as a person. It is the role of the woman to help her man see the big picture in life, not through the eyes of someone who wants to purchase every latest trend in fashion, mobile phones and cars. The good book of the lord says, “Better is the poor (man) who walks in his integrity than one perverse in his ways, though he be rich.” (Proverbs 28:6). So, ladies, always let your man know when he is doing a good job. Praise him for his patience with words like, “I really appreciate that you helped me with the dishes today.” “Thanks so much for emptying the dustbin; I appreciate you honey, even in the small things.” Note that a little compliment to a Nigerian man every now and again works like magic.

5. Nigerian men are driven by the need for significance. We often ask ourselves this question, “Do I really matter to her?” A man’s thirst for significance can only be quenched in knowing how important he is. That is why we will chase after every vain pursuit only to hear the words, “You matter. You are important. You are appreciated. You are significant.” If a man never heard these words or sensed this approval from his woman, he can spend his whole life chasing someone else who will value his identity.

6. Support your man at every turn. Be there for him to guide him. This is God’s command for you as the woman. God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18). A man needs help in the small things like finding our car keys or in bigger things like building a business. It has become one of the most popular sayings that “behind every great man is a far greater woman.” Your man needs your intuitive, instinctive, perceptive and discerning insights when making decisions. But as his woman, you should be careful so as not to bruise his ego. A man is not molded to understand the emotional and dynamics behind the problems that women face. So it is important that the woman doesn’t go running and pouring all her cares, worries, fears, insecurities and troubles on him all at once, it can be very overwhelming. If it is your car that is making that funny noise or something in the house is broken, YESSSSS! he knows exactly what to do instantly. Every man requires that extra training to be a good listener and you will have to working at it until he is there. You can simply start by asking him to listen to you for one minute without interruption and gradually build up his tolerance level. If you throw a fifteen-minute monologue at him, he will freeze up, walk away or get annoyed. Make things simple for him. Spell out exactly what you need, even if it is just a simple hug (and you may want to also explain to him that a hug does not mean you want to have sex!)… because e nor dey hard us to conclude. lol…
7. Every man wants to come home to a peaceful house after a long day at work. But our women don’t always permit such a luxury. We want tranquility and control in every aspect of our lives; that is why we sometimes do everything possible to create an atmosphere of peace and serenity. It is also why every man dreads a nagging woman. A nagging woman drains us of body vitamins and morale. If you nag your man, he will distance himself emotionally and possibly even physically. The Bible says, “It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, than in a house shared with a contentious woman.” (Proverbs 25:24).

Kcee hawks on the street of Lagos again

Yesterday Limpopo singer, Kcee sold recharge cards along major roads in Lagos. He changed his clothes and went back to the streets to sell another product. The singer explains why he's doing this.

"Yesterday I went to different parts of Lagos under the disguise of a hawker, hawking MTN recharge cards and Magnum cream which are brands that I represent as their ambassador. My aim was to interact with my fans and people on the street which is giving birth to a new foundation that will help take people out of the street as my own little way of giving back to the streets of Lagos that was once a home for me. During the cause of my interaction with my friends on the streets yesterday, I was able to discover some raw talents who are ready to work if the opportunity comes their way. In the nearest future from now we shall be making a big announcement as regards to taking people away from the streets. God bless my fans and keep us all"

I will kill myself if NDLEA enters my home- says Buruji Kashamu

It was reported that Senator-elect Buruji Kashamu barricaded himself in the master bedroom of his Ogun State residence, as Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency agents surrounds his home. Mr. Kashamu spoke briefly with a SaharaReporters correspondent and said that he would kill himself if anyone entered his home. SaharaReporters was quoted saying, "The stand-off has been ongoing for several hours and Mr. Kashamu has not returned our calls as of recent minutes."

Buhari meets David Cameron in London

The Nigerian president-elect Buhari met with British Prime Minister, David Cameron in Downing Street, Central London today, May 23rd 2015. We do not know the reason behind the meeting or what was discussed but the President-elect had left the country since yesterday.

18 states in Nigeria owes civil servants their salary

The Task Force of the Nigerian Labor Congress has revealed that 18 state governors are owing civil servants in their states salaries and arrears of pensions running into months. The leadership of NLC says workers in these states might be embarking on a nationwide strike on Monday May 25th if their state governors do not pay before the new administration takes over.
According to Punch, the states owing salaries or pensions are; Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bauchi, Benue, Cross River, Ekiti, Imo, Jigawa, Kano, Katsina, Kogi, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers and Zamfara states. Abia state was listed as the state that had not paid its civil servants salaries running into nine months. The state is also said to be owing workers of the Hospital Management Board eight months’ salary; Abia State Universal Basic Education Board, six months; Abia State Polytechnic, five months; local government workers, four months; and teachers, three months’ salary arrears.
The report stated that while Enugu State had paid salaries of civil servants up to date, parastatals were owed 12 months’ salaries and pension and gratuity remain unpaid since 2010. Others states owing are Osun State with six months’ salary and pension arrears; Plateau with six months salaries and seven months pension; Benue with five months salaries and four months pension arrears; Kogi with four months of pension and salary arrears; and Oyo which owes three months salaries and between five and 11 months of pension arrears.
Ekiti state had not paid its civil servants salaries in the last three months. Jigawa is owing judiciary workers a month salary arrears in 2015. Ondo state is owing its civil servants one month salary and pension, while Ogun state owes its civil servants one month salary and 52 months of unremitted pension deductions to the Pension Fund Administration. Although Zamfara State has paid workers’ salaries up to date, the salaries of workers who were recruited in 2014 have not been paid.
The NLC Task Force also stated that Rivers State owes one month of workers’ salaries and three months of pension while Kano has yet to pay newly employed teachers for three months.

Meet Skales mum

The resemblance between Skales and his mum is just too striking. He shared this picture of his mum with the caption. "Came to deliver my 1st ever debut album to my mother the queen her royal highness who is currently not too strong but is still kickin butt...she's my everything ! Love her so much ..I made her proud that's all that matters"

Kcee now sells recharge card

Lol.... Kcee, the Limpopo king was spotted hawking MTN recharge cards early yesterday morning, along the major streets of Lagos. He interacted with his fans. As a brand ambassador of MTN, he used himself as an example and encouraged his numerous fans never to give up but rather be focused and hard working and also to believe in themselves because this world 'Na turn by turn' according to him.