Tuesday 24 February 2015

Chibok Girls and the Ray of Hope

Fellow Nigerians, it is with so much empathy, sobriety and a heart full of grief that I bring this to reminiscence. I am bewildered, flabbergasted and dumbfounded at the reality that with some weeks to the 14th of April 2015, which would mark exactly 365 days since Nigerians and indeed the rest of the world, watched in amazement and utter disbelief, how almost 300 girls were abducted from Chibok, a small town in Borno State, northern Nigeria, that the better Part of the girls are still in captivity.

The Condition is not only worrisome but also disheartening. They have been victims not only of their abductors, but of a government who has been unwilling or unable to put in the necessary measures for their safe return. This is unacceptable! alas! disbeliving, how the government has handled their rescue mission with so much disdain and sheer cluelessness. Also, perplexed at how our once fearless and dauntless military has albeit turned cowardice with no substantial progress.
I said to myself, who will bring back our girls?
When shall we have them return alive?
Let the truth be told.
Their affliction is indescribable their agony is befuddling.
Their cry is unending.
Their hardship is unimaginable.
Their misery is inexpressible.
Their oppression is limitless,
Their travail is ineffable.
Their worry is incomprehensible. 

I, therefore Call On all concerned citizens to rise up and tell the Nigerian government and governments around the world that the lives of all citizens are sacred and that we cannot sit back and watch as innocence is destroyed and the lives of young girls shattered. We must be relentless in our demand to #BringBackOurGirls now and to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice. I, Therefore want to Commend the Bring back Our girls Movement and indeed Salute the rare Courage of her Convener, Mrs. Oby ezekwesili, the full Story of Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili's audacity of hope and tenacity of Spirit Would have to be told by historians, Political Scientist and eminent Psychologists in the future. It will be a tale in the realm of thrillers. She's indeed a Mother! 

The #BringBackOurGirls Movement will be remembered for the Stand they took for the liberation and the emancipation of the girls. I want to state emphatically that I stand for the girls of Chibok because I trust others to Stand for me if I ever fall, I will therefore not retreat nor Surrender in my demand for their safe release. Their release is thus, non-negotiable! Hence, With infinite hope, I believe you are Closer than ever. Alexandre dumain Once Said " There is neither happiness nor Misery in the World, there is only the Comparison of one state with another, nothing more. the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. 

We must have felt what it is to die, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life. Never forget, that until the day God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, 'Wait and Hope."
Dear Sisters,
A little more persistence,
A few more Seasons,
A few more Suns Shall Set,
A few more Sabbaths,
A few more Storms shall beat,
A few more Struggles, A few more effort,
A few more days Shall Come,
It is but a little While, you shall be With us, I hope Soon you'll all join us and We Shall live as One. May the light of hope Continue to Shine on you all.

Oluwaseun Awogbenle.B.
Public affairs analyst
Student of University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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