Wednesday 11 February 2015

I Love this Gender

On my way upstairs to my apartment, I could not help but notice a young girl conspicuously writhing in pain. Touched by this, I started to move closer to inquire of her what the problem was. In my subconscious mind I was acutely aware of how young she was, so what could make this young girl look so wrenched, I wondered. I was metres away, so walking down to her gave me an opportunity to evaluate her possible qualms. Now if she were to be heartbroken by a guy, I thought, at that age I would have to give her a lecture she would live to remember not minding if her gnash progresses geometrically, what if she were to be a victim of rape, at this thought, a lump formed in my throat with no one or nothing to grind, I speechlessly offered a prayer. 

What if she were beaten by her parents, well even the bible acquiesce to that. What if she has been molested, I quickly shoved the thoughts away. In my subconscious mind I began to see more clearly the toughness of the female gender, so inbuilt is it that I could not help but wondered. In pain she laboured, for the aftermath of the enjoyment we shared. I saw the fragility of her frame holding the strength in the inside, what a uniqueness! In the softness of her hands she mold generations. In the girth of her belly she holds what I deposit. She is so precious. She gives life an essence. She is an epitome of God's radiance, an embodiment of sagacity and intelligence, yet she is a victim of societal injustice. Men who are obsessed with want of her bosom and body curves, find ways to assault her, what cowardice. She is a victim of domestic violence, she loves with her heart so unconditional and true, more often than not subjected to emotional trauma.

She could be so tough on the inside yet delicate. This gender is to be loved, to be cared for and to be cherished. The spark in her eyes needs be maintained. The pulchritude of femininity should not be abused, it emanates from the inside. Treat them like eggs in all its majesty and grandeur because in truth they are so tender. Increase in women welfare makes way for a better country. They shape our youths, mold our children, take care of our fathers, build our tomorrow, with practically nothing she carves out something. Wakes up so early in the morning to get the family rolling. At night she could be so full of passion and excitement. O! How I love this gender! (I am not a promiscuous fellow) 

Finally I got to her and discovered it was that period of the month, and my first thought was God how could you make a 13 year old undergo this periodic torture? Now I understand why Adam saw Eve and his heart beat skipped, a lump formed in his throat and he practically jumped up, shouting Halleluyah! They call it being an African man but I make bold to say its social irresponsibility (which I am often guilty of), How dare you enter a vehicle with a lady and not open the door for her to enter? How dare you raise a hand to strike her? How dare you hurt her ? How dare you use and dump her? Men desist from this unwholesome attitudes. Women are the epitome of God's goodness. This piece is dedicated to my female folks.


This piece of work was written by my friend Oluwaseun. I felt my readers should have a share of it too. Let us support equal rights for all!


  1. Tears drop from my eyes reading this lovely article,loving this blog already.

  2. Tears drop from my eyes reading this lovely article,loving this blog already.
