Sunday 8 February 2015

Election Postponement: A Bad Omen for our Democracy.

The government of the day has again shown that it has no shame and that it is utterly bereft of any semblance of decency or morality. The decision to postpone the general elections can not but be described as a treasonable civilian coup-d'etat. Using security concerns as a pretext for the pre- annulment is not only condemnable, unacceptable, illogical but a bad omen for our yet evolving democracy. 

I said to myself, what an anathema-thous disdain of the citizenry. A deprecable decent from the sublime to the ridiculous. A government that is well known for it's high tolerance of corruption, acts of financial recklessness, Boko Haram malignancy, gross misconduct, incessant insecurity, palpable impunity and massive unemployment can not but be described as a pointless and spineless one and need be thwarted out by the citizenry. I therefore join the U.S in condemning the injustice that has been inflicted on the Nigerian people. 

The president should be presidential in appearance and composure, it should never act in any desperate manner. Alas! what I see is a jittery party, doing everything to appear serious. I address only those who require no further persuasion that the present is untenable and intolerable – and from virtually every aspect of national life. All men and women of discerning can separate actualities from their exaggerated rendition, can peel off the distracting gloss that is smeared all over our social condition by those who seek to blind us to an unjust and avoidable social predicament. 

We have tasted the condiments of an incipient police state. We recognize acts of outright fascism in a dispensation that is supposedly democratic. We have endured a season of stagnation in development and a drastic deterioration in the quality of existence. We are now brought to a confrontation with choice, when we must make a leap of faith, to open up avenues of restoration. Ultimately, one Can no longer dance on both sides of the fence, either you are resolute for justice or for injustice. I want to urge you all, to hitch a ride on the rescue mission, rally for change & MARCH ON in the re-building of a Nigeria that meets our need. May God, bless and free you my beloved country Nigeria.

This article was written exclusively by Oluwaseun. B (Prime), Ilorin, kwara State on February 8, 2014.

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