Wednesday 13 January 2016

Things That Turn off A Real Man In A Lady That Most Ladies Do Not Know.

Ladies, sit down and learn, The following are the things that turn off a Serious man that is unknown to ladies.

1. Bad reputation

A guy admires the strong personality and good
reputation. But when he comes to know that his girl does not stick for longer to a single man, he will also stay no longer. Bad morality is thus another turn off for guys. Keep this in your mind that a long-lasting relationship is offered by men only when they find you respectable. So, make your guy proud of you, or else see him walking away from you.

2. Irregular piercings

This is a hard turn off,when a real man sees
more than one hole on each ear, he will think
within himself that “this one is over exposed” and then he sees the upper ear region,nose,lips andso on he just give up on such lady and consider her as real hustler. Well there is an exception for the northern ladies that believe so much in it, some countries too make it a norm. But in reality and to real men there is no real sense in piercing your whole face and go to the length of piercing the tongue, SH**!.

3. Bad habits

Guys consider smoking as a disgusting habit if
found in girls. A smoking girl carries bad odor andunpleasant breath. Yellow teeth and black gums will totally turn real men off. Therefore, you must avoid such unhygienic addiction, in case you have. Even though smoking is not seen as turn offs for men by all guys, however, not every guy likes it much for longer.

4. Indecent dressing

I can’t even stress this enough. Many ladies go
about unclad yet with cloths on and i do not see why any reasonable and responsible man will put a ring on such a lady except there is another motive. Guys love to imagine what is under thoseattires so please don’t show us everything.

5. Excessive Obsession

Infatuation is another feminine trait that is
found to be as critical as above mentioned turn
offs. Normally, girls think that what turns men
off is hesitation of girls in moving ahead with
them. However, they do not realize that men also hate when girls get obsessed with them and demand for suddenly living together under the same roof and getting married. Every guy likes attention and progress in relationship, but with gradual pace. But when girls are infatuated beyond limit, the guys get eventually frightened away.

6. Devaluing our friendships

Friendships were once considered a formative
presence in a man’s life. Older men were role
models who helped develop character, while peers provided a level of camaraderie and acceptance that allowed us to forgo the machismo and be our truest selves––be that a poet, outdoorsman or both. While the value of sisterhood is extolled for women, the male equivalent is often vilified, and much of that is because women regard male friendships as being at odds with their romantic relationships. The two shouldn’t be mutually
exclusive—and encouraging rather than
discouraging our time with our buddies would be a welcome change. 

Above are some of the things that are great turn off for real men, if you are guilty of any 
try to adjust, if you are not keep up the good
work. You can leave your comment below.

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