Thursday 14 January 2016

Reasons why you should not stop looking for love or Relationship.

Here are a few reasons why you should not
stop looking for love or give up on a

1. Curbs loneliness
Even though you have a bunch of friends, you
feel lonely as you don’t have that one person
whom you can share your innermost emotions
with. Worse, you don’t have friends. It’s time
to bid adieu to your single status and start
looking for love.

2. Gives you a reason to smile
You have a partner who always does something to feel special. From buying gifts you sending sweet text messages, s/he always does something that makes you smile. When you are going through a rough day at office, s/he calls you up and you get cheered up in no time.

3. Discuss life
The time that you spend with your friends is
filled with laughter, jokes and lots of food. You
barely have any conversation that has an iota
of seriousness or intellect in it. With your
partner, apart from doing all the fun stuff,
you discuss the important things. You consult
him/her before taking important decisions and
get some good advice on various matters
concerning your life.

4. Watch your favourite movies
If you are a guy and your favourite genre of
cinema is romance, you are bound to keep that
as a secret from your friends. Unless, of
course, you don’t mind all the ridicule that
comes your way post your confession. But, if
your partner has interests similar to those of
you, you don’t need to hide anything from
him/her and can watch your favourite movie

5. Meet more people
Your partner will introduce you to his/her
friends which will lead towards widening of
your social circle. For all you know, your
partner’s friends may, eventually, your closest
friends. The more the merrier, as they say.

6. Do constructive things
There are certain activities which you like
doing but often fail to find someone who could
accompany you for the same. You can play
indoor games, make a clay doll or just doodle
on a piece of paper. Your partner is up for
anything that you want to do.

7. There is always someone looking out for
Your friends lead a busy life and are not
always there for you when you need them. If
you are in a serious relationship, then there
are high chances of your partner being
concerned about you all the time. S/he will
always look out for you to check whether you
are doing alright or not.

8. Random gifts
Even if you are not someone who is fond of
materialistic possessions, gifts do make you
happy. And, your partner selects just the
right stuff for you. S/he gifts you things which
would be useful to you and there are some
random surprises thrown in the form of a rose
or a chocolate bar that makes you happy.
9. Romantic dates

You hang out with your friends all the time but
being out on a date with your partner is a
different ball game altogether. While your
meetings with friends consist of random
conversations and play station games, a date
is a formal outing. You have great conversations and exchange romantic gestures
over sumptuous food. There are several other
ways in which you can have a date. The bottom line is that a date is special and you will know when you go out on one.

10. Be yourself
When you are in a group of friends, you have
to conform to certain norms and pretend to
have some similarities with your friends even if you have none. With a partner, you can be yourself without any pretenses whatsoever.
Choose your partner wisely as s/he should be
someone who would respect you for what you

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