Monday 11 January 2016


Read this lovely article on fashion written by a J.O.B reader, Enjoy.

Fashion is an art of expression of the intrinsic and aesthetic values through external clothing or dressing. A thing is fashionable when it is uniquely appealing to the physical eyes, and expresses certain eternal, internal, personal, or cultural value systems.

From its inception, God is the originator of fashion. He is a Perfect Fashion Designer. Having discovered that Adam and Eve are naked and covered themselves with ordinary leaves (Gen 3:7). “And the Lord made clothes out of animal skin for Adam and his wife, and he clothed them” (Gen 3:21). Deductively, the original purpose of fashion is “to clothe,” – to cover nakedness; but, with aesthetic qualities. God desires that we dress moderately, modestly and adorably. St Peter admonishes that:“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewellery or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Pet 3:3-4). Fashion expresses our outward beauty, and needs to be balanced with our inner beauty and sense of values. As it were, “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this”(Deut 22:5). Which implies that fashions specific and unique in purpose or end.
It was Julius Agwu who said: “Dress the way you want to be addressed.” Fashion expresses ones gender, personality, culture, religion, personal values, etiquette and level of “culturedness” or education. If that is the case, hence,there is need to redefine our modernization clothing in the fashion industry — all products need to be created with thought.
There have been several arguments whether fashions pose danger to the society. While some have argued that it is harmful to the society because:
1. Because it deviates youngsters from studies. Youngsters who pay more attention to fashion are less attentive to their studies and when it comes to devoting time to their academic career, they seem to be less concerned.
2. Because it promotes classism in schools. Due to fashion, guys now rank themselves. Girls have started to decided who's who by what they wear, and if one doesn't have enough money to buy a certain piece of clothing, then see it being worn around schools, than their self-esteems can be lowered to a certain degree, and can be seen as a target to bullies, making the situation worse.
3. Because it misleads the potential choices of youngsters.Fashion inspires people to make potentially harmful lifestyle choices. Societal problems, such as anorexia and teen violence, are exemplary as to why fashion can actually be harmful.
4. Because it promotes a deceptive culture based solely on appearance. The fashion industry encourages an unrealistic outlook for men and women in regards to their bodies and their looks. 5. Fashion renders bankruptcy. Due to fashion, many people are up to their neck in credit card debt.
6. Young girls are trying to emulate celebrities/models and can't differentiate the celebrity's "public persona" wardrobe from their everyday "at-home" wardrobe. They see what is dished out to them from the media or from in-person events. They don't understand that much of what celebrities wear is worn specifically for the publicity.Fashion is killing teenagers and some adults. Fashion is a waste of time. Fashion is a short term gainer and a long term debtor. But, what is even about fashion? What happened to people expressing themselves? Well, on the other hand, some believe that fashion is not harmful to the society because:
By: Norbert Oparaji 
M.A Bioethics
Trinity International University, Illinois, USA.

1 comment:

  1. What are the particulars of the author? It think it is important to know more about the author. You may wish to contact him on that note. Nice article though.
